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Turquoise and White Modern Minimalist Alfredo Torres Add a Heading LinkedIn Banner.png

Train with your -SEXUAL ENERGY-

For thousands of years Males have been indoctrinated to be afraid of their sexuality.
It has been connected to SIN and eternal damnation. 
Many men are demonized for a hormone that easily takes over our minds and bodies. 

Most men today lack guidance for how to direct their turn-on and passion into personal power. 

In this training you will work with sexuality and testosterone to create a life filled with more power by utilizing pleasure. 

Our Features

Cultivating SEXUAL POWER in 28 days

Week 01

Excavation and Discovery

Week 02

Directing your attention.

Most men are very unaware of their sexual habits. Why they do what they do. In order to step into empowerment we have to become very curious about why we behave the way that we do. In week 1 this will be our practice. Starting to look objectively at yourself as a character you want to understand.

In order to move onto the more advanced training with Sexuality you have to be able to narrow your focus. You need to be able to quiet your mind. This develops from getting your repititions in. Attuning your awareness to subtler sensations in your body. Expanding your ability to feel and be with pleasure. 

Week 03

Activating Masculine POWER

Men that are not connected to their balls, their testosterone, or their cocks are not connected to their masculinity. We are here to create an intimate relationship with our manhood. From the testicles up. We utilize the focus of our attention to access all aspects of our MASCULINITY. 

Week 04

An Abundant Energy Source

When we start to work with sexuality outside of fantasy. Outside of the obsessive mind. We tap into it as an abundant source of energy. We learn how to breathe up this life-force rocket fuel from our balls, all the way to our creative minds. 

DALL·E 2024-02-12 17.19.33 - Create an image of a man standing, showcasing the energetic c

-Group training
-In the privacy of your own home

-Educational videos
-Guided audio meditations
-Questions and daily prompts

-Flexibility to work with your schedule

Next training starts September 1st 

Why me? 
Why SEX?


On my journey I have learned that how we relate with Sexual energy is a direct representation to how we show up as men. 

  • Over 25 years listening to men and hearing their secrets. In all that time I have learned that SEX is a topic that needs our attention. It is important to us as men and there are very few places to talk about it, let alone step into personal training.  

  • ​I have worked with thousands of men from all over the world. I have heard countless men say "I have never told this to anyone in my life" when talking about sex. No man is alone in this experience. 

  • I have logged nearly 5,000 hours coaching people 1-on-1. I combine that with over 2,000 hours coaching people in group settings. It is my confidence that allows me to step into such a charged arena. 

  • Sexual inner-work (mind, body, emotions) has been a part of my life for over 16 years. 

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